This Weeks Latest Edition

Hi , and welcome to another exciting edition of Dog Owner News –the place where you find great, entertaining , helpful information for all things dog-related! Enjoy this weeks edition and please if you have any comments or suggestions for future editions we would love to hear from you . 🐾❤️.

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Phil , Founder, Dog Owner News

 Quote of the week

"A dog can’t think that much about what he’s doing, he just does what feels right." – Barbara Kingsolver

Training & Behaviour

Unleashing the Mysteries: Why Our Dogs Do What They Do

1. Tail Wagging: The Language of Happiness (or Not)

One of the most recognizable and heartwarming dog behaviors is tail wagging. While it’s often interpreted as a sign of happiness, the context and manner of the wag can tell a more nuanced story. A broad, sweeping wag with a relaxed body typically signifies a happy, friendly dog. However, a stiff, high wag might indicate alertness or agitation. Understanding the subtleties in tail wagging helps us better interpret our dog's emotional state and react accordingly.

2. Digging: Nature's Excavators

Why do dogs love to dig up your garden? This behavior can be traced back to their wild ancestors who dug to find food, create a safe den, or cool off in hot weather. Modern dogs might dig out of boredom, to bury toys, or because they are trying to escape confinement. Providing your dog with plenty of physical and mental stimulation, as well as a designated digging area, can help curb this natural instinct in a more controlled manner.

3. Chewing: The Canine Compulsion

Chewing is a fundamental dog behavior that serves various purposes. Puppies chew to relieve the pain of teething, while adult dogs chew to keep their jaws strong and their teeth clean. Chewing can also be a way for dogs to alleviate anxiety or boredom. Ensuring your dog has appropriate chew toys and addressing underlying stress can prevent destructive chewing on furniture and other household items.

4. Rolling in Smelly Stuff: Eau de Stink

If you've ever wondered why your dog loves to roll in the stinkiest thing they can find, you’re not alone. This peculiar behavior might be an inherited trait from their wild relatives, who rolled in strong scents to mask their own smell from predators or prey. Alternatively, dogs might roll in smells to communicate with their pack, showcasing an interesting scent they found. While it's natural, it's not pleasant for us, so teaching a solid recall command can help redirect them before they dive into something smelly.

Understanding and Embracing Canine Behavior

By understanding these common dog behaviors, we can better appreciate our furry friends and address any issues that arise. Tail wagging, digging, chewing, and rolling in smelly things are all rooted in natural instincts that have been honed over millennia. As responsible pet owners, providing outlets for these behaviors in a controlled environment ensures that both our dogs and our homes remain happy and harmonious.

So, the next time your dog engages in one of these behaviors, you'll have a better grasp of what’s going on in their canine minds. Embrace the quirks, and enjoy the journey of decoding the delightful mystery that is your dog!‍

Exercise & Entertainment

Fun and Enrichment: Engaging Games to Play with Your Dog

Keeping your dog active and mentally stimulated is essential for their overall well-being. While regular walks and basic training are important, incorporating fun and engaging games into your routine can take your dog's enrichment to the next level. Here are two exciting games that will not only provide physical exercise but also challenge your dog's mind.

1. Hide and Seek: A Classic with a Canine Twist

Hide and Seek isn't just for kids; it's a fantastic game to play with your dog that taps into their natural hunting instincts. This game is perfect for indoors or outdoors and helps strengthen your bond while providing mental and physical exercise.

How to Play:

  1. Basic Training: Start with your dog knowing basic commands like "stay" and "come."

  2. Initial Steps: Have your dog sit and stay while you hide. Initially, hide in easy-to-find spots.

  3. Call Your Dog: Once you're hidden, call your dog to come find you. Use an excited tone to encourage them.

  4. Reward and Repeat: When your dog finds you, reward them with praise, treats, or a favorite toy. Gradually increase the difficulty of your hiding spots to keep the game challenging.

Hide and Seek is not only a fun way to engage with your dog but also reinforces recall and obedience commands in a playful setting.

2. Tug-of-War: Building Strength and Bonding

Tug-of-War is a dynamic and interactive game that provides a great workout for your dog and allows them to release pent-up energy. It's an excellent way to build muscle and teach impulse control.

How to Play:

  1. Choose the Right Toy: Use a sturdy rope or tug toy designed for dogs. Ensure it's durable and safe.

  2. Set Boundaries: Establish rules before starting the game. Teach your dog commands like "take it" and "drop it." This helps maintain control and safety during play.

  3. Engage in Play: Hold one end of the toy and encourage your dog to grab the other end. Tug back and forth, allowing your dog to pull with enthusiasm.

  4. Control the Game: Periodically ask your dog to "drop it" to ensure they understand the boundaries. Reward them for releasing the toy on command.

  5. End on a Positive Note: Always end the game before your dog gets too tired or overexcited. This keeps the game enjoyable and prevents negative associations.

Tug-of-War is an excellent way to bond with your dog while providing a physically demanding activity. It also helps teach discipline and strengthens their trust in you.

Enriching Your Dog's Life with Play

Incorporating games like Hide and Seek and Tug-of-War into your routine ensures your dog remains physically active and mentally stimulated. These games tap into their natural instincts and provide a fun way to strengthen your bond. Remember, a well-exercised and engaged dog is a happy and well-behaved companion. So, grab a toy, hide behind a door, and let the fun begin!

Nutrition & Diet

Healthy Rewards: Choosing the Best Treats for Your Dog

Rewarding your dog with treats is a key component of training and strengthening the bond between you and your furry friend. However, not all treats are created equal. Choosing healthy, nutritious treats ensures that your dog enjoys the rewards without compromising their health. Here are the benefits of using healthy treats and three essential things to look for when selecting them.

The Benefits of Healthy Treats

  1. Nutritional Value: Healthy treats provide essential vitamins and minerals, contributing to your dog's overall well-being. Unlike many commercial treats loaded with fillers and artificial ingredients, nutritious treats support your dog's health.

  2. Weight Management: Obesity is a common problem in dogs, leading to various health issues. Healthy treats are often lower in calories and fat, helping you manage your dog's weight while still providing the pleasure of a tasty reward.

  3. Dental Health: Certain treats are designed to promote dental health by reducing plaque and tartar buildup. These treats help maintain your dog's oral hygiene, leading to fresher breath and fewer dental issues.

What to Look for in a Healthy Treat

  1. Natural Ingredients: The best treats are made with natural, whole ingredients. Look for treats with a short ingredient list where you can recognize each component. Avoid treats with artificial preservatives, colors, or flavors. Ingredients like real meat, vegetables, and fruits are great indicators of a healthy treat.

  2. Nutritional Balance: Choose treats that offer a balance of protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Protein is particularly important as it supports muscle maintenance and energy levels. Check the nutritional information to ensure the treats provide beneficial nutrients without excessive calories. Treats with added vitamins and minerals can also contribute to your dog's overall diet.

  3. Specific Health Benefits: Some treats are formulated to address specific health needs, such as joint support, digestive health, or skin and coat health. For example, treats with added glucosamine and chondroitin can support joint health, while those with probiotics can aid digestion. Identify your dog's specific needs and select treats that offer targeted benefits.

Making Smart Choices

When it comes to rewarding your dog, the quality of the treats you choose is crucial. By focusing on natural ingredients, nutritional balance, and specific health benefits, you can ensure that your dog enjoys their rewards while maintaining optimal health. Healthy treats not only make training more effective but also contribute to your dog's overall happiness and well-being.

Remember, treats should complement a balanced diet and be given in moderation. Consult with your veterinarian to select the best treats tailored to your dog's specific dietary needs. With the right treats, you can reward your dog in a way that's both delicious and beneficial, ensuring a happy, healthy companion for years to come.


The Power of the Paws: Building a Strong Bond with Your Dog

Creating a strong bond with your dog is the cornerstone of a happy, harmonious relationship. A deep connection with your furry friend not only enhances their quality of life but also brings immense joy and companionship to yours. Let’s delve into the benefits of this bond and explore how it works in practice.

Benefits of a Strong Bond

  1. Enhanced Communication: A strong bond with your dog fosters better communication. Your dog learns to understand your cues, whether verbal or non-verbal, leading to a more responsive and well-behaved pet. You, in turn, become more attuned to their needs and emotions, creating a symbiotic relationship.

  2. Improved Training Outcomes: Dogs that have a close bond with their owners are more eager to please and more motivated during training sessions. This results in quicker learning and better retention of commands and behaviors, making training a more enjoyable experience for both.

  3. Emotional Well-being: Just like humans, dogs thrive on love and attention. A strong bond reduces anxiety and stress in your dog, promoting overall emotional well-being. This leads to a happier, more confident pet that is less likely to develop behavioral issues.

How It Works in Practice

Example 1: Adventure Walks

Imagine taking your dog for a walk in a new park. A well-bonded dog will stay close to you, frequently checking in with eye contact or a gentle nudge. They trust you to guide them through the unfamiliar environment, and you can confidently explore together, knowing your dog will respond to your commands. This mutual trust and reliance make outings more enjoyable and stress-free.

Example 2: At-Home Relaxation

Picture a rainy afternoon at home. Your dog, well-bonded and comfortable, curls up next to you on the couch. You read a book while occasionally petting them. This simple act of being together strengthens your bond, providing your dog with a sense of security and belonging. When it’s time for a training session or play, your dog is already in a positive, relaxed state, making them more receptive and eager to engage.

Building the Bond

To build this bond, spend quality time with your dog through activities like play, training, and simply being together. Positive reinforcement, consistent routines, and understanding your dog’s individual needs and personality are key. The effort you put into building this relationship will pay off in the form of a loyal, happy, and well-adjusted companion.

The magic of a strong bond with your dog lies in the everyday moments of connection, trust, and love. Whether you’re exploring new places or enjoying quiet times at home, this bond enriches both your lives in ways that words can scarcely capture. So, invest in this relationship, and watch your bond with your furry friend flourish

If you have any stories about your dog that you would like to share or a video of your dog we would love to hear from you , simply email: [email protected]

Video of the week

Click the image below for some more hilarious dog escapades

Fun Fact

Super Sniffers: A dog’s sense of smell is up to 100,000 times better than humans. They have around 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses, compared to about 6 million in humans. They will sniff out that food like lightning!!

Product of the week

Great supplier of quality poop bags which you can order in bulk and will support a great cause as well. You can find out more by clicking on the image or link below.

I hope you enjoyed this weeks edition, you can also check out all previous editions by heading over to:

Have a great week of fun in the sun (hopefully 😁) with your dog , see you next week!
