This weeks edition of dog owner news

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Hi , and welcome to this weeks edition of Dog Owner News , brought to you in association with Cozy Earth, make sure you check out their great range of luxury bedding!

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Phil , Founder, Dog Owner News

 Dog Thoughts

"My favorite hobby is snuggling on the couch, especially when you look like you need space, but I'm your furry companion."

Training & Behaviour

The Benefits of Giving Your Dog Off-Lead Time

Letting your dog off the lead can be a nerve-wracking thought for many pet owners. However, when done in the right environment and with proper training, off-lead time offers numerous benefits for both you and your furry friend. Here’s why you should consider giving your dog some time to roam free.

1. Physical Exercise and Fitness

Off-lead time allows your dog to engage in more natural, varied, and intense exercise compared to being on a lead. They can run at their own pace, play, and explore, which helps build stamina, maintain a healthy weight, and keep their muscles strong. This type of free movement is essential for their overall fitness and physical health.

2. Mental Stimulation

When dogs are off the lead, they are free to explore their surroundings, sniff new scents, and encounter different objects and situations. This kind of mental stimulation is crucial for a dog’s well-being. Exploring new environments stimulates their brain, reduces boredom, and can even help alleviate anxiety. A mentally stimulated dog is often a happier, more relaxed companion.

3. Improved Socialization

Allowing your dog off the lead in safe environments like dog parks or open fields provides them with opportunities to meet and interact with other dogs. Proper socialization with other dogs and people is critical for developing good behavior. It teaches them how to play, communicate, and react appropriately in different social situations. A well-socialized dog is more confident and less likely to develop behavioral issues.

4. Enhancing Your Bond

Spending off-lead time together enhances the bond between you and your dog. Trust is a key component of this bond. When you trust your dog to be off the lead, and they respond to your commands, it strengthens the relationship. Activities like playing fetch, or simply exploring together, create positive shared experiences that deepen your connection.

5. Promotes Natural Behavior

Dogs have natural instincts, like running, hunting, and exploring, that can be difficult to satisfy when they are always on a lead. Off-lead time allows them to express these instincts in a controlled and safe manner. Whether it’s chasing a ball, digging, or simply running freely, these activities allow dogs to engage in behaviors that are natural and fulfilling for them.

6. Builds Confidence

Off-lead time can help build your dog’s confidence. Being able to explore independently, while still knowing they can return to you for guidance, allows them to become more self-assured. This confidence can translate into better behavior in other areas of life, as a confident dog is less likely to be fearful or reactive.


While off-lead time requires proper training and a safe environment, the benefits for your dog are undeniable. From physical fitness and mental stimulation to improved socialization and a stronger bond with you, the advantages are plentiful. Remember to start off-lead time in controlled settings, ensuring your dog responds well to recall and is in a safe area. With patience and practice, off-lead time can become one of the most rewarding experiences for both you and your dog.

Exercise & Entertainment

The Benefits of Using a Flirt Pole for Dog Enrichment and Exercise

If you're a dog owner looking for a fun and effective way to keep your furry friend entertained and well-exercised, a flirt pole might be just the tool you need. This simple yet highly engaging toy can provide your dog with mental stimulation, physical exercise, and a chance to practice important skills like impulse control and obedience. Let's explore why the flirt pole is such a valuable addition to your dog's playtime routine.

What is a Flirt Pole?

A flirt pole is a long pole, usually made of plastic or fiberglass, with a rope attached to one end. At the end of the rope, there's typically a toy or lure that can be dragged, twitched, and flung around by the handler. The movement of the toy simulates the action of prey, triggering your dog's natural instincts to chase, pounce, and grab.

Physical Exercise

One of the most obvious benefits of using a flirt pole is the physical exercise it provides. Dogs of all sizes and energy levels can benefit from the fast-paced, intense activity that a flirt pole offers. It allows your dog to sprint, jump, and twist in ways that engage their muscles and cardiovascular system.

For high-energy breeds like Border Collies, Jack Russell Terriers, or Siberian Huskies, the flirt pole can be a lifesaver. These dogs need regular, vigorous exercise to stay healthy and happy. Even for less active breeds, a flirt pole session can help burn off excess energy and keep your dog fit.

Mental Stimulation

In addition to physical benefits, a flirt pole also provides mental enrichment. The unpredictable movements of the toy mimic the behavior of prey animals, requiring your dog to focus, think quickly, and react. This engages your dog's brain and helps prevent boredom, which can lead to destructive behaviors.

Mental stimulation is especially important for intelligent breeds like Poodles, German Shepherds, and Golden Retrievers. These dogs thrive when given tasks that challenge their minds. A flirt pole can be an excellent way to satisfy their need for mental exercise in a way that's both fun and rewarding.

Training and Impulse Control

The flirt pole isn't just a toy; it's also a valuable training tool. By using commands like "sit," "stay," or "leave it" during play, you can teach your dog to control their impulses and listen to you even when they're excited. For example, you can ask your dog to sit and wait before allowing them to chase the toy, or to drop the toy on command.

This kind of training is essential for dogs that tend to get overly excited or have difficulty following commands when distracted. Over time, practicing with a flirt pole can help your dog develop better self-control and improve their overall behavior.

Bonding Time

Playing with your dog using a flirt pole is also a great way to strengthen the bond between you and your pet. The interactive nature of the game means you are actively engaging with your dog, which can help build trust and deepen your relationship. Plus, it's a fun way for both of you to spend time together!


Incorporating a flirt pole into your dog's routine can offer numerous benefits, from physical exercise and mental stimulation to improved obedience and a stronger bond with you. It's a versatile and engaging tool that can be adapted to suit dogs of all ages, sizes, and energy levels. Whether you're looking to tire out a high-energy pup or simply want to add some variety to your dog's playtime, the flirt pole is a fantastic option.

So why not give it a try? Your dog will likely thank you with wagging tails, happy barks, and a well-deserved nap after a good play session!

Here is a great flirt pole to check out: Flirt Pole

Nutrition & Diet

Raw vs. Kibble: Which Diet Is Best for Your Dog?

Kibble vs Raw

Choosing the right diet for your dog is one of the most important decisions you can make as a pet owner. Two popular feeding options are raw food diets and commercial kibble. Each has its advocates and critics, leaving many dog owners wondering which is truly the best choice for their furry friends. This article will explore the pros and cons of both raw and kibble diets, providing you with the information needed to make an informed decision.

Raw Food Diets

Raw food diets for dogs typically consist of raw meat, bones, organs, and sometimes fruits and vegetables. This approach aims to mimic the natural diet of wild canines, like wolves, by offering whole, unprocessed foods.

Pros of Raw Food Diets:

  1. Improved Coat and Skin Health: Many dog owners report that raw diets lead to shinier coats and healthier skin, likely due to the high content of natural fats and oils in raw meat.

  2. Better Dental Health: Chewing on raw bones can help clean your dog's teeth naturally, reducing plaque buildup and promoting overall dental health.

  3. Increased Energy Levels: Dogs on raw diets often show higher energy levels and improved vitality, possibly due to the higher protein content and absence of fillers.

  4. More Natural Diet: Proponents argue that raw diets are closer to what dogs’ ancestors ate, providing a more biologically appropriate source of nutrition.

Cons of Raw Food Diets:

  1. Risk of Bacterial Contamination: Raw meat can contain harmful bacteria like Salmonella or E. coli, posing risks to both dogs and their owners if not handled properly.

  2. Nutritional Imbalance: It can be challenging to ensure that a homemade raw diet provides all the essential nutrients in the correct ratios. Without careful planning, dogs may miss out on vital vitamins and minerals.

  3. Higher Cost and Preparation Time: Raw diets can be more expensive and time-consuming to prepare than kibble, requiring access to high-quality meat sources and proper storage facilities.

  4. Risk of Choking or Internal Injuries: Bones, if not properly selected or prepared, can pose choking hazards or cause internal injuries.

Commercial Kibble

Commercial kibble is a processed dog food that typically contains a blend of meat, grains, vegetables, and added vitamins and minerals. It’s the most common type of dog food and is available in a wide range of brands and formulations.

Pros of Commercial Kibble:

  1. Convenience: Kibble is easy to store, measure, and serve, making it a convenient option for busy pet owners.

  2. Balanced Nutrition: Most commercial kibbles are formulated to meet the nutritional requirements of dogs, ensuring they get all the essential nutrients in each meal.

  3. Affordability: Kibble is generally more affordable than raw diets, particularly when purchased in bulk. There are also options available for various budgets.

  4. Long Shelf Life: Kibble has a long shelf life, reducing waste and making it easier to manage feeding schedules.

Cons of Commercial Kibble:

  1. Potential for Low-Quality Ingredients: Some kibble brands use low-quality fillers, artificial additives, or by-products, which can be less nutritious and harder for dogs to digest.

  2. Less Palatable: Some dogs may find kibble less appealing than raw food, leading to picky eating behaviors.

  3. Risk of Obesity: Because kibble is calorie-dense and easy to overfeed, some dogs may be at higher risk of becoming overweight if their portions aren’t carefully controlled.

  4. Processed Nature: The high levels of processing involved in making kibble can strip away some natural nutrients, requiring fortification with synthetic vitamins and minerals.

Comparing Raw Food and Kibble: Pros and Cons


Raw Food Diets

Commercial Kibble

Nutritional Content

Natural, but requires careful balancing

Typically balanced, but depends on brand quality


Generally higher, especially for quality meat

More affordable, with a wide range of prices


Time-consuming to prepare and store

Easy to store, measure, and serve

Dental Health

May improve due to chewing on bones

Can lead to plaque buildup without regular brushing

Health Risks

Potential for bacterial contamination

Low if stored and served correctly

Energy Levels

Often higher due to natural proteins

Varies, may lead to weight gain if overfed

Ingredient Quality

High if sourced well

Varies greatly by brand

Shelf Life

Short, requires freezing or refrigeration

Long, stable at room temperature


Generally high for most dogs

May vary, depending on the dog and food quality


Customizable based on dog's needs

Wide range of formulas available

Making an Informed Decision

Ultimately, the choice between raw and kibble should be based on your dog's specific needs, your lifestyle, and your budget. If you opt for a raw diet, consider consulting with a veterinary nutritionist to ensure balanced nutrition and proper handling. For those who prefer the convenience of kibble, investing in a high-quality brand with natural ingredients can provide a balanced and nutritious diet.

In conclusion, both raw and kibble diets have their merits and drawbacks. By understanding the pros and cons of each, you can choose the best feeding option that promotes your dog's health, well-being, and happiness.

How Different Personality Traits Show Themselves in Dog Breeds

Dogs, much like humans, have distinct personalities shaped by their genetics and experiences. Different breeds tend to exhibit specific traits, which can influence how they interact with their environment, their owners, and other animals. Understanding these personality traits can help you choose a dog that best fits your lifestyle and expectations.

1. Loyalty

Loyalty is a hallmark of many dog breeds, particularly those bred for guarding or companionship. Breeds like German Shepherds and Doberman Pinschers are known for their strong loyalty to their owners. This trait often manifests as protective behavior, where the dog is watchful and wary of strangers but deeply affectionate towards its family.

2. Intelligence

Intelligent dog breeds, such as Border Collies and Poodles, often show their smarts through quick learning and problem-solving abilities. These dogs excel in obedience training, agility sports, and tasks that require mental stimulation. However, their intelligence also means they can become bored easily, leading to mischievous behavior if not adequately engaged.

3. Playfulness

Breeds like Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers are renowned for their playful nature. These dogs are often full of energy and love engaging in games like fetch or frisbee. Their playful personality makes them great companions for families with children, as they are always ready for fun and adventure.

4. Independence

Some breeds, such as Shiba Inus and Chow Chows, are known for their independent streak. These dogs may not be as eager to please as other breeds and can sometimes appear aloof. While they still form strong bonds with their owners, they often prefer to make their own decisions and may require a more patient and understanding approach to training.

5. Gentleness

Gentle breeds like Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and Bulldogs tend to have calm and easygoing personalities. These dogs are often patient and tolerant, making them excellent companions for families with young children or elderly individuals. Their gentle nature typically means they are less prone to aggressive behavior and are more likely to enjoy cuddling and companionship.

6. Alertness

Breeds such as Terriers and Dachshunds are known for their alertness. These dogs are often quick to react to new sounds or movements, making them excellent watchdogs. Their alert nature means they are always aware of their surroundings, but it can also make them more prone to barking.


Different dog breeds exhibit a wide range of personality traits, from loyalty and intelligence to independence and playfulness. Understanding these traits can help you choose a breed that matches your lifestyle and meets your expectations, ensuring a harmonious and fulfilling relationship with your canine companion.

If you have any stories about your dog that you would like to share or a video of your dog we would love to hear from you , simply email: [email protected]

Video of the week

Click the image below for some hilarious big dogs who think they are puppies

  1. Labrador Retriever

    • Known for their friendly and outgoing nature, Labradors are often used as service dogs due to their intelligence and trainability.

  2. French Bulldog

    • A small, muscular dog with a distinctive "bat ear" appearance, the French Bulldog is a favorite in urban areas due to its compact size and playful personality.

  3. German Shepherd

    • Intelligent and versatile, German Shepherds are often used in police and military roles. They are loyal, protective, and highly trainable.

  4. Golden Retriever

    • Friendly and tolerant, Golden Retrievers are excellent family pets. They are known for their affectionate nature and love for outdoor activities.

  5. Bulldog

    • The Bulldog is a muscular, medium-sized dog with a distinctive wrinkled face. They are known for their calm demeanor and affectionate nature.

  6. Poodle (Standard, Miniature, and Toy)

    • Poodles are highly intelligent and versatile dogs, available in three sizes. They are known for their hypoallergenic coats and are often seen in dog shows.

  7. Beagle

    • Small to medium-sized, Beagles are known for their excellent sense of smell and friendly, curious nature. They are often used as detection dogs.

  8. Rottweiler

    • Rottweilers are strong and confident dogs, known for their protective instincts. They make excellent guard dogs but require proper training and socialization.

  9. Dachshund

    • Recognizable by their long bodies and short legs, Dachshunds are curious and lively. They come in a variety of coat types and are popular as companion animals.

  10. Yorkshire Terrier

    Small in size but big in personality, Yorkshire Terriers are known for their long, silky coats and feisty nature. They are often kept as indoor pets.

These breeds are popular for their distinctive traits and suitability as companion animals, service dogs, or working dogs. Popularity can shift over time due to trends, media influence, and changes in living environments.

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Have a fantastic week of fun with your dog , see you next week!
