This Weeks Edition

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Phil , Founder, Dog Owner News

 Dog Thoughts

"If itā€™s on the floor, itā€™s mine. If itā€™s in my reach, itā€™s mine. If I want it, itā€™s mine."

Training & Behaviour

šŸ•ā€šŸ¦ŗ Dog Walking Etiquette: Being Mindful of Other Dogs and Owners in Public

Walking your dog is one of the best ways to keep them healthy and happy, but itā€™s not just about exerciseā€”it's also about being considerate of other dogs and their owners. When youā€™re out in public spaces, practicing good dog walking etiquette is essential for ensuring a positive experience for everyone involved. Hereā€™s why it matters and how to be mindful on your daily strolls.

1. Understanding Dog Walking Etiquette

Dog walking etiquette goes beyond picking up after your dog (although thatā€™s super important, too!). Itā€™s about being aware of your surroundings, respecting personal space, and understanding that not every dog or owner wants to interact. Here are some key reasons why mindful dog walking is crucial:

  • Safety First: Not all dogs are friendly or comfortable around other dogs. Being mindful helps prevent potential conflicts, bites, or injuries.

  • Respect for Personal Space: Just like humans, some dogs and owners prefer their personal space. Rushing up to say hello can be intimidating or unwelcome.

  • Promoting a Calm Environment: Being considerate helps create a peaceful atmosphere in public spaces, reducing stress for dogs and owners alike.

2. Tips for Being a Mindful Dog Walker

Practicing good manners when walking your dog is easy with a few mindful habits. Here are some tips to help ensure your walks are enjoyable and respectful to everyone around:

Keep Your Dog on a Leash

  • Why It Matters: Leash laws exist for a reasonā€”they keep your dog safe and under control. Even if your dog is friendly, other dogs may not be, and leashes help manage interactions.

  • What to Do: Use a leash thatā€™s comfortable for both you and your dog. Retractable leashes can be tricky, so stick to a fixed-length leash in busy areas to maintain better control.

Ask Before Approaching

  • Why It Matters: Not every dog wants to be approached, and some may be reactive, fearful, or in training. Always ask the other owner if itā€™s okay for your dog to say hello.

  • What to Do: A simple ā€œIs it okay if they meet?ā€ can prevent uncomfortable situations. Respect their answer, even if itā€™s a ā€œno.ā€

Mind the Personal Space Bubble

  • Why It Matters: Dogs, like humans, have personal boundaries. Keeping your dog close to you helps maintain a respectful distance from others.

  • What to Do: Walk on the opposite side of the path when passing other dogs or owners. This helps reduce anxiety and keeps both dogs focused on their own walk.

Control Excitable Behavior

  • Why It Matters: Jumping, barking, or lunging can be unsettling to other dogs and people, especially those who are nervous around dogs.

  • What to Do: Keep your dogā€™s focus on you with treats, commands, or toys. Training basic commands like ā€œsit,ā€ ā€œstay,ā€ and ā€œleave itā€ can make walks more manageable.

Avoid Crowded Spaces if Your Dog is Nervous

  • Why It Matters: Crowded areas can overwhelm shy, anxious, or reactive dogs, leading to stressful experiences for both the dog and owner.

  • What to Do: Opt for quieter routes or walk during off-peak times. If you must pass through a crowded space, keep a calm demeanor and move swiftly.

Clean Up After Your Dog

  • Why It Matters: This one is non-negotiable. Leaving dog waste behind is not only inconsiderate but can also pose health risks to other dogs and humans.

  • What to Do: Always carry waste bags and dispose of them properly. If you forget, many parks and walking areas provide bags and bins.

3. Recognizing Stress Signals in Dogs

Understanding dog body language can help you navigate potentially tense situations on your walk. Look out for these signs that a dog is uncomfortable:

  • Tucked Tail: A clear sign of fear or anxiety.

  • Ears Pinned Back: This can indicate nervousness or discomfort.

  • Growling or Snapping: A warning that a dog needs more space.

  • Avoiding Eye Contact or Turning Away: Signals that a dog does not want to interact.

If you notice these signs, give the dog space and avoid forcing any interaction.

4. Communicating with Other Owners

Polite communication goes a long way when sharing public spaces with fellow dog owners. Here are some tips:

  • Be Friendly but Respect Boundaries: Not everyone is comfortable with dog-to-dog interactions, and thatā€™s okay.

  • Share Important Information: If your dog is reactive, let other owners know so they can keep their distance. Conversely, if another owner warns you, respect their boundaries.

  • Lead by Example: By practicing good dog walking etiquette, you set a positive example for others, creating a community of considerate dog walkers.

5. When Things Donā€™t Go Smoothly

Despite your best efforts, conflicts can occasionally arise. Hereā€™s how to handle tricky situations calmly:

  • Stay Calm and Move On: If an interaction goes poorly, stay calm, apologize if necessary, and guide your dog away. Avoid escalating the situation with raised voices or tension.

  • Focus on Training: Use incidents as training opportunities to reinforce good behavior and work on areas that need improvement.

  • Seek Professional Help: If your dog has consistent issues with reactivity or aggression, consider working with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist.

Takeaway: Practicing mindful dog walking isnā€™t just about following rules; itā€™s about creating a safe and respectful environment for everyone. By being aware of your surroundings, respecting other dogsā€™ space, and communicating with fellow owners, youā€™ll ensure that every walk is a positive experience for you, your dog, and your community.

šŸ¾ Final Thoughts

Dog walking is one of the simple joys of being a pet owner, but it comes with responsibilities. By being mindful of others and practicing good etiquette, youā€™ll make every outing enjoyable and stress-free for all. Hereā€™s to more happy, peaceful walks ahead!

Exercise & Entertainment

The Importance of Dog Toys: More Than Just Fun and Games

Dog toys are often seen as simple accessories or fun distractions, but they play a crucial role in your dog's overall well-being. From mental stimulation to physical exercise, toys are essential tools that can enhance your dogā€™s quality of life. In this article, weā€™ll dive into the many reasons why dog toys are so important and how they contribute to your petā€™s happiness, health, and behavior.

1. Mental Stimulation: Keeping Your Dogā€™s Mind Sharp

Dogs are intelligent creatures that need mental engagement to stay happy and healthy. Toys provide the perfect outlet for mental stimulation, helping to prevent boredom and its associated problems.

  • Preventing Boredom: A bored dog is more likely to develop undesirable behaviors like chewing on furniture, digging in the yard, or excessive barking. Toys keep your dog occupied and provide an appropriate outlet for their energy.

  • Cognitive Development: Puzzle toys and treat-dispensing toys challenge your dogā€™s problem-solving skills, keeping their brain engaged. Regular mental stimulation can slow cognitive decline in older dogs and promote healthy brain function in young pups.

  • Training Aid: Toys can also be used as training tools, teaching your dog new skills or reinforcing positive behavior. For instance, tug toys can help with impulse control, and fetch toys can improve recall commands.

2. Physical Exercise: Keeping Your Dog Fit and Healthy

Physical activity is vital for your dogā€™s overall health, and toys can be a fun way to incorporate exercise into their daily routine. Regular exercise helps maintain a healthy weight, improves cardiovascular health, and strengthens muscles.

  • Fetch Toys: Balls, frisbees, and other fetch toys encourage running, jumping, and agility. These activities burn calories, improve coordination, and keep your dog in top physical shape.

  • Tug Toys: Playing tug-of-war can be a great workout for your dog, helping to build muscle strength while also providing mental stimulation. Itā€™s a fantastic way to bond with your dog and release pent-up energy.

  • Chew Toys: Chew toys not only keep your dogā€™s jaw muscles strong but also promote healthy teeth and gums. Chewing is a natural behavior that helps clean teeth and reduce plaque buildup.

3. Emotional Well-being: Reducing Anxiety and Stress

Toys are not just about fun; they also provide comfort and can help alleviate anxiety. For many dogs, toys are a source of security, especially when they are left alone.

  • Separation Anxiety: Toys can help ease the stress of being left alone. Stuffed toys or chew toys can provide comfort, making the time spent alone less intimidating for anxious dogs.

  • Distraction from Stressful Situations: During thunderstorms, fireworks, or other stressful events, toys can serve as a distraction. Chewing on a favorite toy can be a calming activity that redirects their focus away from whatā€™s causing the stress.

  • Building Confidence: For shy or fearful dogs, interactive toys can help build confidence. Games like hide-and-seek with toys encourage timid dogs to explore their environment and interact more freely.

4. Behavior Management: Encouraging Good Habits

Toys can be incredibly useful in managing and shaping your dogā€™s behavior. By providing appropriate outlets for natural behaviors like chewing, chasing, and digging, toys help prevent destructive actions around the home.

  • Redirecting Chewing: Chewing is a natural instinct for dogs, especially puppies who are teething. Providing chew toys helps redirect this behavior away from your shoes, furniture, or other household items.

  • Energy Outlet: High-energy dogs need an outlet to burn off steam. Toys that promote active play, like tug ropes or interactive fetch toys, help manage energy levels and reduce hyperactivity.

  • Reinforcing Positive Behavior: Reward-based toys, like treat dispensers, reinforce good behavior. They can be used during training sessions to encourage positive actions and keep your dog motivated.

5. Bonding and Socialization: Strengthening Your Relationship

Playing with toys is a great way to bond with your dog, strengthen your relationship, and build trust. Interactive play, such as tug-of-war or fetch, provides opportunities for you and your dog to connect.

  • Enhancing the Human-Dog Bond: Spending time playing with your dog reinforces your bond and creates happy memories. Engaging in play is a positive interaction that deepens the trust between you and your pet.

  • Encouraging Socialization: Toys are excellent tools for socializing your dog with other pets. For example, playing fetch in a group setting at the park can help your dog learn to interact appropriately with other dogs.

  • Promoting Sharing and Turn-Taking: For multi-dog households, playing with toys can teach your dogs important social skills like sharing and turn-taking, reducing the likelihood of fights or resource guarding.

6. Choosing the Right Toys for Your Dog

Not all toys are created equal, and choosing the right toys can make a big difference in their effectiveness. Hereā€™s what to consider when selecting toys for your dog:

  • Size and Durability: Choose toys that are appropriately sized for your dog. Small toys can be a choking hazard for larger dogs, while flimsy toys may not stand up to aggressive chewers.

  • Safety First: Avoid toys with small, detachable parts that could be swallowed. Always supervise playtime with new toys to ensure your dog is using them safely.

  • Variety is Key: Mix it up! Dogs, like humans, can get bored with the same old thing. Rotate toys regularly to keep your dog engaged and interested.

Takeaway: More Than Just Playthings

Dog toys are far more than just playthingsā€”they are essential tools for mental stimulation, physical exercise, emotional comfort, behavior management, and socialization. Investing in a variety of quality toys can significantly enhance your dogā€™s quality of life, keeping them happy, healthy, and well-behaved. So next time youā€™re shopping for your furry friend, remember: toys are not a luxury; theyā€™re a necessity for your dogā€™s well-being!

šŸ¾ Final Thoughts

From chew toys to puzzle games, the right toys can transform your dogā€™s daily routine and provide endless benefits. Embrace the power of play, and watch your dog thrive!

Nutrition & Diet

Raw vs. Kibble: Which Diet Is Best for Your Dog?

Kibble vs Raw

Choosing the right diet for your dog is one of the most important decisions you can make as a pet owner. Two popular feeding options are raw food diets and commercial kibble. Each has its advocates and critics, leaving many dog owners wondering which is truly the best choice for their furry friends. This article will explore the pros and cons of both raw and kibble diets, providing you with the information needed to make an informed decision.

Raw Food Diets

Raw food diets for dogs typically consist of raw meat, bones, organs, and sometimes fruits and vegetables. This approach aims to mimic the natural diet of wild canines, like wolves, by offering whole, unprocessed foods.

Pros of Raw Food Diets:

  1. Improved Coat and Skin Health: Many dog owners report that raw diets lead to shinier coats and healthier skin, likely due to the high content of natural fats and oils in raw meat.

  2. Better Dental Health: Chewing on raw bones can help clean your dog's teeth naturally, reducing plaque buildup and promoting overall dental health.

  3. Increased Energy Levels: Dogs on raw diets often show higher energy levels and improved vitality, possibly due to the higher protein content and absence of fillers.

  4. More Natural Diet: Proponents argue that raw diets are closer to what dogsā€™ ancestors ate, providing a more biologically appropriate source of nutrition.

Cons of Raw Food Diets:

  1. Risk of Bacterial Contamination: Raw meat can contain harmful bacteria like Salmonella or E. coli, posing risks to both dogs and their owners if not handled properly.

  2. Nutritional Imbalance: It can be challenging to ensure that a homemade raw diet provides all the essential nutrients in the correct ratios. Without careful planning, dogs may miss out on vital vitamins and minerals.

  3. Higher Cost and Preparation Time: Raw diets can be more expensive and time-consuming to prepare than kibble, requiring access to high-quality meat sources and proper storage facilities.

  4. Risk of Choking or Internal Injuries: Bones, if not properly selected or prepared, can pose choking hazards or cause internal injuries.

Commercial Kibble

Commercial kibble is a processed dog food that typically contains a blend of meat, grains, vegetables, and added vitamins and minerals. Itā€™s the most common type of dog food and is available in a wide range of brands and formulations.

Pros of Commercial Kibble:

  1. Convenience: Kibble is easy to store, measure, and serve, making it a convenient option for busy pet owners.

  2. Balanced Nutrition: Most commercial kibbles are formulated to meet the nutritional requirements of dogs, ensuring they get all the essential nutrients in each meal.

  3. Affordability: Kibble is generally more affordable than raw diets, particularly when purchased in bulk. There are also options available for various budgets.

  4. Long Shelf Life: Kibble has a long shelf life, reducing waste and making it easier to manage feeding schedules.

Cons of Commercial Kibble:

  1. Potential for Low-Quality Ingredients: Some kibble brands use low-quality fillers, artificial additives, or by-products, which can be less nutritious and harder for dogs to digest.

  2. Less Palatable: Some dogs may find kibble less appealing than raw food, leading to picky eating behaviors.

  3. Risk of Obesity: Because kibble is calorie-dense and easy to overfeed, some dogs may be at higher risk of becoming overweight if their portions arenā€™t carefully controlled.

  4. Processed Nature: The high levels of processing involved in making kibble can strip away some natural nutrients, requiring fortification with synthetic vitamins and minerals.

Comparing Raw Food and Kibble: Pros and Cons


Raw Food Diets

Commercial Kibble

Nutritional Content

Natural, but requires careful balancing

Typically balanced, but depends on brand quality


Generally higher, especially for quality meat

More affordable, with a wide range of prices


Time-consuming to prepare and store

Easy to store, measure, and serve

Dental Health

May improve due to chewing on bones

Can lead to plaque buildup without regular brushing

Health Risks

Potential for bacterial contamination

Low if stored and served correctly

Energy Levels

Often higher due to natural proteins

Varies, may lead to weight gain if overfed

Ingredient Quality

High if sourced well

Varies greatly by brand

Shelf Life

Short, requires freezing or refrigeration

Long, stable at room temperature


Generally high for most dogs

May vary, depending on the dog and food quality


Customizable based on dog's needs

Wide range of formulas available

Making an Informed Decision

Ultimately, the choice between raw and kibble should be based on your dog's specific needs, your lifestyle, and your budget. If you opt for a raw diet, consider consulting with a veterinary nutritionist to ensure balanced nutrition and proper handling. For those who prefer the convenience of kibble, investing in a high-quality brand with natural ingredients can provide a balanced and nutritious diet.

In conclusion, both raw and kibble diets have their merits and drawbacks. By understanding the pros and cons of each, you can choose the best feeding option that promotes your dog's health, well-being, and happiness.

šŸ” Separation Anxiety: How to Help Your Dog Cope

Whether you're heading back to the office or just running errands, leaving your dog alone can sometimes lead to separation anxiety. Hereā€™s how to help your pup feel secure when you're not around.

1. Understanding Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is more than just a dog missing their owner. Itā€™s a serious condition that can cause distressing behaviors like excessive barking, destructive chewing, or even bathroom accidents.

2. Signs Your Dog Might Have Separation Anxiety

  • Pacing and Panting: Anxiety can cause your dog to pace nervously or breathe heavily when you're preparing to leave.

  • Destructive Behavior: Chewing furniture, scratching doors, or even urinating indoors.

  • Excessive Barking or Howling: Vocalizing for long periods when left alone.

3. Steps to Help Your Dog Feel More Comfortable

  • Create a Safe Space: Set up a comfortable area with their bed, toys, and something that smells like you.

  • Routine is Key: Keep consistent schedules for feeding, walks, and playtime to create a sense of security.

  • Practice Short Departures: Start by leaving for short periods and gradually extend the time to help your dog get used to being alone.

4. Interactive Toys and Puzzles

Interactive toys, like treat-dispensing balls or puzzle games, can keep your dogā€™s mind occupied while youā€™re away, reducing anxiety.

5. Calming Aids

  • Music and TV: Leaving on calming music or a pet-friendly TV channel can provide a sense of companionship.

  • Anxiety Vests: Products like the ThunderShirt apply gentle pressure, which can have a calming effect on anxious dogs.

6. When to Seek Professional Help

If your dogā€™s anxiety is severe, consult with a veterinarian or a certified dog behaviorist. They can suggest behavioral therapy, training techniques, or in some cases, medication.

Takeaway: Separation anxiety can be tough, but with patience and the right strategies, you can help your dog feel more secure when you're away.

If you have any stories about your dog that you would like to share or a video of your dog we would love to hear from you , simply email: [email protected]

Video of the week

Click the image below for dogs who let their owners know its time to wake up!

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Have a really great week of fun and games with your dog , see you next week!
